Military Noise Induced Hearing Loss

Military Noise Induced Hearing Loss

If you have served or are serving in the Armed Forces, you will most likely be able to claim for hearing loss and/or tinnitus but time is running out.

  • You may have been exposed to excessive noise such as;
    • Gunfire
    • Explosives
    • Aircraft noise
    • Ship engine rooms
    • Armoured vehicles and other machinery
  • Before 1987, the Ministry of Defence (MOD) had the protection of “Crown Immunity” which meant that claims for hearing loss and other injuries couldn’t be made. However, any service after 1987 does entitle you to claim.
  • The Ministry of Defence are settling more and more claims so do not miss out and submit your claim today.
  • Symptoms of hearing loss and tinnitus can deteriorate and can cut careers short or make finding suitable employment difficult. We can recover compensation not just for the injury (see the compensation tariff below), but for loss of earnings, being disadvantaged on the labour market, and hearing aids, if required.

How much are my injuries worth?

The Judicial College Guidelines, 17th edition provides the following valuation for Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) and tinnitus;

  • Severe tinnitus and NIHL. £36,260 to £55,570
  • Moderate tinnitus and NIHL or moderate to severe tinnitus or NIHL alone £18,180 to £36,260
  • Mild tinnitus with some NIHL. £15,370 to £18,180
  • Mild tinnitus alone or mild NIHL alone. Around £14,300
  • Slight or occasional tinnitus with slight NIHL. £8,890 to £15,370
  • Slight NIHL without tinnitus or slight tinnitus without NIHL. Up to £8,560

Find out how much you are entitled today by contacting one of our Military Solicitors on 0121 751 9986 or email us at [email protected]. Alternatively, complete our short enquiry form and one of our Lawyers will get back to you as soon as possible. 

Veterans in any part of England and Wales, are welcome to contact our no win, no fee lawyers to pursue their claim.

Call Us: 0121 751 9986

WhatsApp Us: 0121 751 9986

Email: [email protected]

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